Apr 30, 20192 min read
Pump refurbishment: 4 reasons it's not being done right
Pump refurbishments fail most of the time if these points aren't done right. Make sure you're using the right company with the righ
Nov 16, 20164 min read
5 secrets to increase the life of a pump
Have you tried anti-ageing cream on your pumps? No, it didn't work for us, either. If you're responsible for looking after pumps you'll...
Dec 4, 20151 min read
The winning pump pictures
Thank you to everyone who sent in photos of pumps as entries in our old pump photo competition! We had some great entries. We...
Nov 18, 20151 min read
Your chance to win this chocolate-filled suitcase!
We’re offering a prize of a chocolate-filled suitcase to the person who sends in the best photo of an old pump in poor condition. We...
May 13, 20151 min read
Pump replacement due date
Old, familiar pumps, that you’ve run with for years. You know they’re on the way out but they’ve never let you down yet and besides,...